Lesson 4: Doing the Right First Things First

Lesson 4: Doing the Right First Things First

Video Length: 42 min

This lesson is the heart and soul of my course. This is where I give you my framework on how to solve any problem that you have in your business, from the biggest all the way down to the smallest. If you can get really good at solving business problems, then you’ll be on your way to running the business of your dreams. You’ll learn how to answer the ever-present question, “What should I be working on now?”

How to Get Good Results in Your Business

Sorting & Choosing In Your Business

Discovering Your Good & Bad Processes


Solving Business Problems & Doing Quality Work

Tune-Up Challenge

  1. Carry your Good and Bad Processes worksheets around with you for a week. As you go through your work week and encounter good and bad processes, write them down.
  2. Sign up below for another check-in with Barney and ask him about any specific questions you have related to the material in this course so far.

Questions, Thoughts, Ideas?

Let's Chat

Lesson 3: Understanding Workflow

Lesson 3: Understanding Workflow

Lesson 5: 3-Year Vision

Lesson 5: 3-Year Vision